In the last issue of 2014 (November/December), »Biblical Archaeology Review«, the »world’s best-selling biblical archaeology magazine«, published an article about an unidentified Assyrian relief on the slopes of Cudi Dagh: »Where Noah Landed?« This happend after I sent a picture of that carving to the editor of B.A.R., which I got from Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Baz of the University of Sirnak.
In the latest issue (March/April 2015) a letter to the editor of my friend and »brother in Cudi research« Bill Crouse from Richardson, TX, was printed. He is involved in investigating Noah’s ark for decades and writes: »This area, south of the Cudi Dagh in southeastern Turkey, has the potential for some of the greatest archaeological discoveries in history. At the end of his letter he points to a paper he read in 2013 at the annual conference of the Near Eastern Archaeological Society.
This paper, »The Geography of Genesis 8:4«, might be very valuable for further research on Mount Cudi and I am proud to present it here for Download: The Geography of Genesis 8:4 (PDF, right-click to download).
Timo Roller