Pilgrims to Noah [en]

The History of Pilgrimage to Cudi Dagh, the Mountain of the Ark

31. December 2021

This paper will take you from the prayers of local inhabitants at Cudi Dagh in 2013 back to the pilgrim festivals in the 20th century, the ruins of mosques, churches and monasteries in the past thousands of years – to the Assyrian kings and the even more ancient potentates of Uruk, who are the eminent heroes of the epics of Gilgamesh and Nimrod, searching for the ark, Noah and immortality. It was presented at the »Noah and Mt. Cudi Symposium« at the University of Sirnak, May 25th, 2021.
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Presentation at the 2nd Noah Symposium in Sirnak by Timo Roller [en]

Recording of my lecture on Tuesday, May 25, 2021

5. June 2021

The title of my lecture at the 2nd International Symposium of the Flood, Noah's Ark and Mount Cudi in Sirnak was »Pilgrims to Noah – The History of Pilgrimage to Cudi Dagh, the Mountain of the Ark«.
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The Geography of Genesis 8:4

A special paper by Bill Crouse

26. February 2015

In the last issue of 2014 (November/December), »Biblical Archaeology Review«, the »world’s best-selling biblical archaeology magazine«, published an article about an unidentified Assyrian relief on the slopes of Cudi Dagh: »Where Noah Landed?« This happend after I sent a picture of that carving to the editor of B.A.R., which I got from Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Baz of the University of Sirnak. [ more … ]

Queen of the Desert: A trailer collection

Corrupted film's snippets put together

26. February 2015

I collected some corrupted trailers and put them together. [ more … ]

»I'm not alone!«

A review by Timo Roller, Germany, #NoahResearcher

31. March 2014

The new film »Noah« by Darren Aronofsky has many critics among Christians. My opinion is a little bit different. [ mehr … ]

The time before the world had rainbows [en]

News from an interview with Darren Aronofsky

12. February 2014

No robes, no sandals! And director Darren Aronofsky promised actor Russell Crowe not to shoot him as Noah with two giraffes standing behind him. In a newly published Interview with »Rolling Stone« Aronofsky, who celebrates his birthday today, revealed some interesting details about the Hollywood epic.
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Presentation at Noah Symposium in Sirnak by Timo Roller [en]

Recording of my lecture on Friday, September 29, 2013

1. Jan. 2014

The title of my lecture at the International Noah and Cudi Dagh Symposium in Sirnak was »The German Explorers of Cudi Dagh – 114 Years of Examining the Real Landing Place«.
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Durchgesickert! / Leaked! [BREAKING!]

Abgefilmter Noah-Trailer ist im Internet zu sehen.

31. Oktober 2013

Die Tiere gehen zur Arche.

Auf der Internetseite »Defamer« ist der Trailer des Kino-Films Noah zu sehen. Er wurde von jemandem bei einer Vorführung abgefilmt und ist deshalb von sehr schlechter Qualität.
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Keynote at Noah Symposium Sirnak by Bill Crouse [en]

Recording of his lecture on Friday, September 29, 2013.

10. Oct. 2013

Bill Crouse hold a lecture at the International Noah and Cudi Dagh Symposium in Sirnak about »Five Reasons Noah’s Ark Did not Land on Mt. Ararat; Five Reasons Why It Did Land On Cudi Dagh«.
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Facts, that are worth knowing about the Great Flood and Noah's Ark [en]

The most important answers

29. Jan. 2013

Almost everyone knows the story of the Great Flood and Noah and his family’s rescue in the Ark. There are children's books, toy arks, cartoons, advertisements and much more. Yet fewer and fewer people know exactly what the Bible writes about the Great Flood in Chapters 6 through 9 in the Book of Genesis.
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God’s Ax and Noah’s Plank [en]

Sennacherib, the Bible and Noah's Ark

21. Dez. 2012


The Assyrian King Sennacherib was the nemesis of King Hezekiah of Judah. What did he think, and what did he believe? A glimpse into the Bible, History, and Archaeology.
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Noah's Ark Discovered Again? [en]

The »discovery« of NAMI in 2010

27. Sept. 2012

The discovery of Noah’s Ark was announced on Sunday, April 24th 2010 by a Chinese organization from Hong Kong (Noah’s Ark Ministries, International).  The problem with this is that it seems like the »discovery« of Noah’s Ark is getting to be almost an annual event.  What in the world is going on?  We think it’s a question that is easy to analyze. (by Bill Crouse and Gordon Franz)
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